Last week was pretty uneventful.
Today only being Tuesday has already been a long week in school. Nothing to do with what we are doing in class but, all about me learning to be patient. My super partner has become not so super. I don't know what has happened to cause such a change. I'm not the only one noticing what is happening but, I am the only one getting the wrath of his bad attitude and big bark. I am getting little comments from fellow classmates about being Chef's "favorite" student and how they are doing things "Chef Ortease's" way. I am trying really hard to ignore them and keep doing what I am there to do. Patience is suppose to be a virtue but, it sure is getting hard to practice it. So, tonight I am going to relax with a pink rose lemonade martini and hope tomorrow will be better.
Ohhh just ignore people and their drama! I miss my love doves, don't get to see you much with this whole school thing :)