Saturday, September 3, 2011


This week just flew by.  WooWee! It's Saturday morning and I actually got to sleep in until 7:00 a.m, and I feel great.  I can't remember  being this happy and ecstatic every day of the week.  I am so glad I made the decision to go to culinary school.  It is the best decision I could have made for myself.

This week in school was all about soups.  The first two days were dedicated to making our stock and veloute' sauce, which were the bases for our soups.  On Thursday we made an amazing cream of broccoli soup.  It was so flavorful and smooth but, didn't have that heavy and over filling feeling.  We also made a lentil puree soup but, I didn't take a picture of it because it honestly looked like vomit.  I promise it absolutely did not taste like vomit.  I garnished it with some pieces of crispy bacon which made the flavors just explode in your mouth and you got a slight little kick of pepper.  It was so yummy. 

Yesterday we made minestrone soup. To be quite honest I never tasted a minestrone soup like this one.  I actually never really liked ordering it at restaurants because the tomato based soup was to acidic and had that over processed feel to it.  The soup we made had a light broth that allowed you to see all of the beautifully, uniformed cut vegetables and the pasta and beans.  I absolutely fell in love with this soup.  I can see it being a great lunch or dinner I could not feel guilty after eating it and still feel very satisfied.  One of my class mates used beef bacon which gave it a lighter flavor and could be a lower fat substitute with out feeling like a diet food. 

My first week of school is all wrapped up and it couldn't have gone any better.  I have a great partner in class which, we team up and kill it in the kitchen.  Lets just say that we are always the first ones done and Chef likes what we've made.  I'm still doing my Italian CD's on the way to school and repeating the lessons on the way home.  I'm still putting in the effort to go to the gym 3 to 4 times a week so I can get some endorphins pumping to keep me energized all week.  I'm staying positive that I can keep it going.

My plan for the three day weekend is to finish my homework, get some chores done, have some gym time, hang with the fabulous people in my life and get a little dolled up and ask, "Duvet il bar?".

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